In this lab, we are going to make an eyeball model using a balloon. This experiment should give you a better idea of how your eyes work. The way your brain actually sees things is still a mystery, but using the balloon we can get a good working model of how light gets to your brain.

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4 Responses to “Eyeballoon”

  1. Aurora Lipper says:

    The focal length is not critical because you’ll be manually focusing the setup. But the recommendation is to use a lens whose focal length is about twice the lens diameter.

  2. monkshaunt2 says:

    im in UK, so shopping list link doesn’t work for us.
    I get 50mm diameter, but what focal length?

  3. angela_holmes says:

    Hi! I was wondering how small the biconvex lens has to be? Because my mom ordered one from Amazon and it was too big.