8x10.aiThis lecture series is from an astronomy course at Ohio State. It’s a 20-week college-level course, so don’t feel like you’ve got to do it all in one night!  You’ll learn about the solar system, planets, and universe through a well-organized set of lectures that really brings astronomy, human history, and current technology together. This content is appropriate for advanced students and above.

Why bother offering high school students these college-level classes? Because if you’re like me, you’re always thirsty for more, and you’re not picky about where it comes from.  If you learn just one new thing from these astronomy talks, then you are one step further along your science journey and it was worth your time.

You can either download the podcasts to your MP3 player or directly access the MP3 files.  There are slides along with the lectures, but don’t feel like you have to use them – the lectures are meaty enough on their own.  Ready?

Click here to access Prof. Roger Pogge’s Astro 161 Lectures (Part 1)

Click here to access Prof. Roger Pogge’s Astro 162 Lectures (Part 2)

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One Response to “Astronomy Lecture Series”

  1. Julie Daw says:

    These are just what I was looking for my rising 11th grader.
    Thank you for the link.