A non-Newtonian fluid is a substance that changes viscosity, such as ketchup.  Ever notice how ketchup sticks to the bottom of the bottle one minute and comes sliding out the next?

Think of viscosity as the resistance stuff has to being smeared around.   Water is “thin” (low viscosity); honey is “thick” (high viscosity).  You are about to make a substance that is both (low and high viscosity), depending on what ratio you mix up. Feel free to mix up a larger batch then indicated in the video – we’ve heard from families that have mixed up an entire kiddie pool of this stuff!

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6 Responses to “Moon Sand”

  1. Any kind of sand will work, but the smaller the grains, the easier it will be to make shapes.

  2. Hi! Can this be beach sand (salty) or better river (or playground) sand? Thank you

  3. Actual Kinetic sand is coated with silicon, which isn’t something you can do at home. But the instructions on this page show you how to make something similar.

  4. ericksonnationmom says:

    what is kinetic sand made out of, and can I make my own??

  5. No, not unless you put in food dye!

  6. dos it color my hands?