This experiment is for advanced students.Have you ever taken a gulp of the ocean? Seawater can be extremely salty! There are large quantities of salt dissolved into the water as it rolled across the land and into the sea. Drinking ocean water will actually make you thirstier (think of eating a lot of pretzels). So what can you do if you’re deserted on an island with only your chemistry set?

Let me show you how to take the salt out of water with this easy setup.

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2 Responses to “Taking the Salt out of the Ocean”

  1. Brook Batzel says:

    salt comes out of the ocean thats what rain is seawater getting the salt takin out! thats a fun fact right?.

  2. april sembrat says:

    I loved this experiment because the kids really got to visualize desalination, such a big word. Just the other day, this topic came up while we were our and the kids said, “oh ya Mom, that is like what we did in science.” Yes! That was what I was looking for. This experiment gives them a very basic understanding of this process.

    Thanks Aurora!
    Santa Cruz