Have you ever tried washing dishes without soap? It doesn’t work well, especially if there’s a lot of grease, fat, or oil on the dish!

The oils and fats are slippery and repel water, which makes them a great choice for lubration of bearing and wheels, but lousy for cleaning up after dinner.

So what’s inside soap that makes it clean off the dish? The soap molecule looks a lot like a snake, with a head and a tail. The long tail loves oil (hydrophobic) and the head loves water (hydrophilic). The hydrophilic end dissolves in water and the hydrophobic end wraps itself around fat and oil in the dirty water, cleaning it off your dishes.

Let’s do an experiment that will really make you appreciate soap and fat:

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4 Responses to “Cool Milk Trick”

  1. IU haven’t tried it yet – please tell me what you find out!

  2. meganjruffin says:

    Could you use dairy free milk like almond milk or oat milk?

  3. Aurora Lipper says:

    Any type of food coloring should work.

  4. suzanne_mangeri says:

    Dose gel food coloring work too?