Most weather stations have anemometers to measure wind speed or wind pressure. The kind of anemometer we’re going to make is the same one invented back in 1846 that measures wind speed. Most anemometers use three cups, which is not only more accurate but also responds to wind gusts more quickly than a four-cup model.

Some anemometers also have an aerovane attached, which enables scientists to get both speed and direction information. It looks like an airplane without wings – with a propeller at the front and a vane at the back.

Other amemometers don’t have any moving parts – instead they measure the resistance of a very short, thin piece of tungsten wire. (Resistance is how much a substance resists the flow of electrical current. Copper has a low electrical resistance, whereas rubber has a very high resistance.) Resistance changes with the material’s temperature, so the tungsten wire is heated and placed in the airflow. The wind flowing over the wire cools it down and increases the resistance of the wire, and scientists can figure out the wind speed.

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