First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is conserved. Energy is the ability to do work. Work is moving something against a force over a distance. Force is a push or a pull, like pulling a wagon or pushing a car. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed.

Materials: ball, string

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4 Responses to “First Law of Thermodynamics”

  1. Kanatinia Ballard says:

    that’s cool

  2. Katie Barr says:

    Okay I’ll do that then because I have already learned most of this in past classes in school.

  3. You can do as many or little as you like. 🙂 You should have access to plenty of content. What are you most interested in learning about? Start there!

  4. Katie Barr says:

    So how many experiments do I have to do to move on to the next unit? I have done all of the ones leading up to this one and doing this one.