Secret codes and ciphers are so much fun to learn about and create! This particular secret code machine is a simpler model of the original that was so complex, it took a brilliant mathematician, Alan Turing, to devise the techniques which cracked the code.

In order to create this paper machine, you’ll need the templates which you can find here. Before you print and cut them out, watch the first part of the video, because chances are, you’re going to have to re-size it so it will fit your container.

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4 Responses to “Paper Enigma Machine”

  1. I am a big fan of the enigma and I have heard about one message having more than 11000000000000
    possibilities how many do you think this has?
    oh and my name is soren

  2. Thank you! I didn’t mean for you to find that experiment yet – I have not finished writing the content for the post!