Six-foot zucchini? Ten-foot carrots? Are giant veggies just a photography trick, or are they real?

The happy news is that yes, they’re real! Expert horticulturists have accumulated a great wealth of knowledge about different climates and dirt conditions. They must know about the different chemical, physical and biological properties of gardens and do multiples of experiments dozens of plants. We found an incredible horticulturist, John Evans, who has accumulated over 180 first places in both quality and giant vegetable categories, with 18 State and 7 World Records.

According to John Evans: “If you could, imagine what it would be like to dig up a carrot from your garden and not knowing how big it is until the last minute, and then finding out that it’s 19 lbs. Now that’s exciting!”

John has spent many years developing fertilizers, bio-catalysts, and growing techniques to grow 76-lb cabbages (photo shown left), 20-lb carrots, 29-lb kale, 60-lb zucchini,  43-lb beets, 35-lb broccoli and cauliflowers, and 70-lb swiss chard that was over 9 feet tall and took three people to carry it to the trailer!

Here’s a video on growing giant flowers by a passionate community gardening club:
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