knifeswitchWhen you turn on a switch, it’s difficult to really see what’s going on… which is why we make our own from paperclips, brass fasteners, and index cards.

Kids can see the circuit on both sides of the card, so it makes sense why it works (especially after doing ‘Conductivity Testers’).

SPST stands for Single Pole, Single Throw, which means that the switch turns on only one circuit at a time. This is a great switch for one of the robots we’ll be making soon, as it only needs one motor to turn on and off.
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2 Responses to “Switches”

  1. No, thumbtacks won’t really do the job. Thumbtacks can’t hold on to paper like brass fasteners can. Also, some thumbtacks have a plastic coating, which will prevent them from conducting electricity. So, please be sure to use brass thumbtacks.

  2. marijanatropin says:

    Can I use thumbtacks instead of brass fasteners?

    Sofia, age 10