There are four forces in the universe that make everything move, shift, explode, zoom, wiggle, and dance. As two of these forces require a nuclear reactor in your garage, we’ll just focus on the other two for now: the electromagnetic and the gravitational.

This video gets you started on the right foot. We’ll outline what’s coming up for this week and how to get the most out of our lesson together. Enjoy!

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33 Responses to “Unit 1: Mechanics (Force) Video”

  1. Interesting theory! You are correct that like forces repel. In physics, kinematics is simply a description of motion and the dynamics would be the reason that the motion happens. Electricity is a force and is certainly a dynamic force. However, in this case the dynamics would be as a result of positive force (or work) applied by you in pushing the box. The negative work would be done by the friction of the box as it moves across the surface.

    I hope this helps!

  2. Ginger Regan says:

    Hi. I am wondering if positive and negative charges are the reason that kinematic forces happen? That is, if I push a box, do the electrons/protons in my arms and hands create a voltage difference between me and the box when I touch it, causing the box to “want” to move away from my hands?

  3. Actually, that’s a pretty good price for it! I buy mine from Edmund Scientific and Science Supply, both have online purchase options but the shipping is more expensive than the one you found.

  4. Oops – sorry about that! We’re updating our players and looks like we missed this one. We’ll get it fixed right away!

  5. Milissa Kleinfelder says:

    The video doesn’t seem to be working.

  6. Both! If you’d like to watch it then teach it yourself to your kids, then it’s meant for you. If you’d like me to teach it to your kids, then it’s appropriate for them to watch.

  7. Shanna Holt says:

    Is this a video for the parent or the kids?

  8. Sounds like you are not logged in or your account has expired. Try logging in on the page (use the links at the bottom) and see if that helps.

  9. stephanie brill says:

    just sat down to start this unit with my son and the video introduction is not here on the page, or on the video/experiments page.

  10. There’s a video on this page, or you can click on the link in the upper right that says “Experiments”.

  11. Al Lausche says:

    how do i find videos

  12. Do you see the menu on the upper right – where it says ‘Video, Reading, Experiments, and Exercises’? Click on the Experiments link and you can start doing real hands-on activities, or if you prefer to read first, click on ‘Reading’. Does that help?

  13. Dominique Poli says:

    i watched this and now i dont know where to go??

  14. Nikia Stevens says:

    that fixed the problem … thanks!

  15. This is one of the videos that was recorded in mono, so your speakers might be playing on the opposite channel than it was recorded on. We’re working to convert all mono videos to stereo, but it takes a bit to get them all done. Let me know if this fixes the problem.

  16. Nikia Stevens says:

    i do not have any audio for this video. the audio is all static. i have great audio on other videos via youtube. is there another way to get this video with audio?

  17. Engineering use force information to figure out how strong to make their inventions: for example when designing a bridge, how large should you make the cables? By knowing the force that the bridge is going to be feeling, they can figure out what kinds of materials to use and how large they should be. Or when designing a car, what kinds of forces happen to the car in a collision? New cars and trucks are designed today to collapse in very specific ways so the front of the car turns into a giant scoop in a head-on collision and slide under the oncoming car to lift it up and over without crushing either vehicle. Knowing about forces allows you to design the right-side rocket to launch your space ship without missing the planet – when NASA launched the two rovers Spirit and Opportunity to Mars, very careful force calculations were needed, because getting those robots there was like throwing a basketball from Los Angeles to the hoop in New York without hitting the rim.

  18. Marvette Owens-Freeman says:

    Why is force so important?

  19. Marvette Owens-Freeman says:

    Thanks now I know what is the problem.

  20. What kind of trouble are you having? If the video won’t play at all and comes up with an error message, it means you’re not logged in. Go back to the home page and log in under the video on the right. If the video plays but stops during playback, then hit PLAY, then PAUSE and wait until the entire video downloads to your computer before playing the video. Also, if you’re using IE8, make sure it’s in comparability mode. Does this help?

  21. Marvette Owens-Freeman says:

    Aurora . I am having trouble with the force video. What should I do?

  22. Rosemary Shelburne says:

    Thanks Aurora. The problem is solved and you were right about the speaker issue. I am very impressed that I received great support especially since I needed it on Sunday!

  23. What happens when you try to play the Getting Started video in Unit 12? It’s possible that you aren’t hearing both speakers since the earlier units were done in mono, and the later units in stereo. If your computer is only playing one of the audio tracks, it might be the one without sound. Try a later unit and tell me what happens. We’re working to bring the rest of the earlier videos into stereo but haven’t completed this task yet.

  24. Rosemary Shelburne says:

    Just realized that I need to correct my wording in my previous email. I cannot hear any of the Units (1,2,3,4,5) Getting Started videos. I can hear the How this Site Works and Flying Contraptions videos however.


  25. Which experiment/video exactly are you having trouble with?

  26. Rosemary Shelburne says:


    I just sent an email regarding difficulty with the audio on some of your videos. Not sure why I can hear you clearly sometimes. Still having trouble hearing you on Unit 1 but I can hear you on the Getting Started video.


  27. Michele Floyd says:

    i am using safari on MAC and the videos are just fine.

  28. Margaret Copley says:

    I am trying to access the video, and I am receiving the error message, Video not found or access denied.

    What is going on?

  29. Kelly Neven says:

    The audio sounds perfect to me!

  30. Is it difficult to make out the words? We just got a new professional microphone, but we aren’t noticing any improvement on the sound quality… were the summer camp videos better for you?

  31. Andra Josifov says:

    Is there a way to improve the audio?